But check this out!!!
Jess with Storied Yarns sent me a surprise package in the mail!!!
I'm not sure if you can read the little buttons
one says "knit your freak flag!!"
(I'm so going to knit my freak flag after I finish my sweater!)
The other one says "spin a story"
I think this is cool because that is exactly what I am doing.
My sweater will tell a story with every row
But it's not just my story.
So many different fiber artist will be a part of my sweater!
Now Jess will be a part of the story! Just like Edith, Craftypuppylover, Bohoknitterchic, and so many other fiber artist!
Thanks Jess!!
(I have it on good authority that there is probably a package with German goodness on it's way to Jess :) I just hope it's not soup when it gets there! Freddie was reading an outside temp of 104F today :o)
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jessecreations 12p · 765 weeks ago
My package arrived today - I'm off to blog about it. Thank you so so much, it was an awesome surprise!!!