My Dad and I always looked at the
Fire Hydrants to see where they were made.
Most are from Albertville, AL
Fire Hydrant Capital of the World,
and my home town.

Got these Dog Tags at the Smithsonian
Air and Space museum,
Came home and ordered 100 more
that I will ship with my Etsy store sales!!!!
(which by the way, I hope to officially
open my Etsy store tonight!!!)

This picture, and a combination of Starbuck
on Battlestar Galatica, prompted me
to cut my hair, that flippy do thing on the
side was driving me nuts!
I think I did ok though =)
Maybe my hair girl won't kill me.
I'll think about posting pictures later so that
you can see my handy work!
It's like having a Bonsai Tree,
clip a little here, clip a little there, until it looks ok.