I'm too tired for details,
so this will be short and sweet.
(the jetlag is killing me)
I visited Fibre Space in Alexandria, VA today!
It was an amazing shop, really, it was great!
They had lots of great hand dyed yarns
and rovings by local artists!
I couldn't resist this amazingly vibrant
braid from Neighborhood Fiber Co.
And 4oz. of Louet Corriedale
in a pretty yellow/brown color,
that I of course started spinning immediately!

This is Veronica, who was so helpful,
that she even walked with me to the
Metro station when it was time to leave!
She is getting married on Saturday
and is "doing the crazy knitter thing"
and is knitting like mad to finish
the amazing shawl that she is working on in this pic!

that was working on a baby mobile
of brightly colored birds for the window display!

this is me spinning
on the metro
with my new yummy fiber!
on the metro
with my new yummy fiber!