Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Look!! Surprise Yarn all the way from Norway!!!!


now, I've gotta find a good pattern for a hat...

Saturday, September 26, 2009


And here I am in Hamburg!

I swear I had nothing to do with the failing of this poor boat!

You can see that I am sporting my newly knitted dead cat sweater! It's a fail in it's own right, it sheds like a dead cat and the color clashes with my hair. I'm not giving up on it yet though. I bought some fabric to line behind where the zipper is to hopefully make it lay flat and not go in wonky directions. But if I never come to terms with the color, I'm going to dye the whole dang thing! What good is a sweater that I spend so much time working on, if I hate wearing it?

Yarn shopping was a success and I am bringing back many lovely things. I will post pics of each shop with the complete story once I get some more time. Until then, here is a picture of me sporting my awesome Hamburg bag, in Hamburg!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Hamburg Bag... In Reality

So, Here it is!!

It finally made it from rolling around in my head to becoming a reality! YAY!!!

The 32 Flavor yarn made it in on the sides, my chrome64 zipper pull is on the front zipper. You can see that my monkey's back looks much better now! There is a "hidden" pocket on the back made from left over plastic from a shower curtain! Woot waterproof pocket!

There is another hidden pocket on the front. The most important design feature is that the front flat opens from the top and the bag could be expanded to stand up several inches taller should I need to fill it full of something grand like yarn!

Also, because I am a super knitting nerd, notice that the fabric used to line the inside of the bag, is covered with knitting abbreviations! How cool!