Saturday, December 4, 2010

Moonstones, Ewe Beaut, Phat Fiber and FO's

My very good friend Malia surprised me with a package
of some of the coolest stuff!

She made the moonstone necklace that you see above!
I love this necklace!

She also included her own handmade soap,
her own handmade supported spindle,
a little bit of Mickey and lots of fiber goodness!
 The gray fiber in the top right is Russian Goat down
and is amazingly soft!

I got this awesome set of handmade stitch markers
as a trade with Morgaine1

The little Blue Sheep are my favorite!

This is is a cool little sample package that I found called
Ewe Beaut, and it's all fiber artists from Australia!

And Here is my November Phat Fiber Boxes!
This months theme was The Season of Lights!

This is a scarf (in blocking) that I made for myself out of my Graymane yarn!

started several months ago,
was tucked out of sight and I tried to forget about it,
but then realized it would make a good Christmas present.
so.... tada!

Trying something new!!!
This is my Grizzly Mountain supported Bead spindle.

And with it is my super soft gray Russian Goat Down from Malia!