I made a difficult decision this month...
when I realized how much money I have spent
on fiber related goodies over the last 6 months,
I decided it was time for a Fiber Diet! :(
For the first time since March, I would sit out of the Phat Fiber box...
This made me sad.
Don't get me wrong, I don't "need" the fiber,
but it makes me happy, and I love the thrill of
scooping up a box during the 60 seconds each month
that they are available and then
the 3 days that I spend watching the videos
over and over again while waiting for my boxes to arrive.
It turns out that I have some really awesome friends on Ravelry!!!
I came home one day to find a giant box on my front porch.
I thought, what is this... Did I order something...
When I opened it I found the best surprise ever!
OrangeJello1984 sent me an awesomely HUGE
Fiber Care Package to help me get through
my Fiber drought!
As you can see,
I couldn't wait to spin the Watermelon Batt
that was her contribution to the
September Phat Fiber Box
(that I sat out of!!!)
The other two batts are in Mickey Yellow
and Mickey Red!! I can't decide if I want to ply them
together or spin them alternately to make self stripping yarn!
Oskar loved the Watermelon!!!
Here's the final yarn, 2-plied!
Then I flew away to Germany and when I returned
and picked up my mail, LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!
This Super Sweet black and white batt arrived from
Uniquely Yours and was sent from "A Friend!"
Seriously, I nearly cried.
I have the coolest Fiberholic Friends and
I hope to find some great ways to pay it forward
as the year goes on!
To both Kassi and my mystery Friend!
Phat Fiber day came and went,
I watched both drops and had
a serious twitch in my mouse hand.
But I survived!!
On to October!
Where I hope to be a contributor for the very first time
and the theme is Steampunk!
Oh wait, I have already prepared 40 of my 50 samples
so I'm well on my way!
My first contribution as a Phattie will be called "Iron Oxide!"
Inspired by one of my beloved Manhole Cover Pictures:
My first contribution as a Phattie will be called "Iron Oxide!"
Inspired by one of my beloved Manhole Cover Pictures:
Here is Randall showing off my Ginger batt
from the Famous Couples Spin-A-Long
And here is my Thelma & Louis, well half of it anyway.
Right before I realized the need for my Fiber Diet,
I found this awesome MiPattern Saver from
Slip Stitch Studios, with matching travel scissors/key-chain!
I thought you all might enjoy a pic of my knitting flare
that goes with me most anywhere!
I'm afraid I don't have my required 37 pieces...
My favorites:
Keep Calm and Carry Yarn
Knit Your Freak Flag
F.A.A. Member - Fiber Addicts Anonymous
I also placed an special order with
IST Crafts about a month ago.
I explained to Ian that I wanted a smaller,
but heavier, version of his Turkish Spindle.
This is what we came up with!
This is Atlas!
He has gorgeous Snakewood legs:
And the shaft is Bog Oak!!
Here is the excerpt from IST Crafts' website:
"Quercus petraea - Sourced from the East Anglian fenland basin this stock of Bog Oak has been carbon dated to 3,300 BC so is in excess of 5000 years old. Logs are excavated from a sunken forest caused by a rise in sea level that started about 7000 years ago."
How cool is that?
Check out the grain on this wood!!
Atlas will certainly be a world traveler!
Random side note:
I found a head to model my hats.
She freaks me out a little bit at night!
And I know you are all still waiting to see the final
Life is still interrupting
and it's just way tooooo hot for the modeling session
that will be required to get proper pictures!
So here's a blocking picture to hold you over!
Rachael · 755 weeks ago